Warp beast were painted pretty fast. I just needed some more time on the small details, but the main purple body was done with drybrushing and inks.
The first wych squad I painted. Currently I'm only painting female wyches, male wyches will be painted a lot later this year.
Lelith Hesperax
I ended up repainting this girl, she's lovely, probably one of our best looking Dark Eldar models.
My lovely converted witches, their hands are pretty small so only metal splinter rifles are small enough to not seem so freagin huge on them. I still have many converting ideas in my head, I'll buy some more dark Elf witches for sure!
My reavers...they took forever to paint. But I'm pretty happy with the result. At first I was planning on painting 12 reavers at once, but once I started I realised how much time they would take and I decided to stick witgh 6. 6 next reavers will be painted after I'm done with HQs ,raiders and ravagers.
Hellions, most Dark Eldar players stay away from these. They may buy them, but not use them... I'm closely the same, but as far as painting I wanted to paint them because of their weird armor and I only have 8 of them, so why not? I still want some more, at least 3 for sure: to have 3 deepstrike squad with blaster.
Still so much Wych Cult stuff to paint:
-34 reaver jetbikes
-40 wyches
-40 wyches
-2 wych lords
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