I painted it quite some time ago and I decided to make it very purple, other flyers are darker with less purple. Other flyers are also 3/4 painted, I just couln't stand the sight of unpainted flyers so I did most of the painting already, I just need to do some small highlights and I need to do all the black parts. Problem is: I have some many flyers to paint and they're far from being a priority, I mean who needs 6 ravens and 2 razorwings in a small army. I only have a very small amount of painted models, I prefer painting more needed units first.
jeudi 20 août 2009
Dark Eldar Razorwing
The only flyer that's fully painted (except the base). It was the first flyer I ever bought. I was pretty excited when I saw a razorwing was for sale on ebay (because it's out of production), I was even more excited while opening the box containing it and I was amazed to see the model itself, I loved it, even though I find it weird.
I painted it quite some time ago and I decided to make it very purple, other flyers are darker with less purple. Other flyers are also 3/4 painted, I just couln't stand the sight of unpainted flyers so I did most of the painting already, I just need to do some small highlights and I need to do all the black parts. Problem is: I have some many flyers to paint and they're far from being a priority, I mean who needs 6 ravens and 2 razorwings in a small army. I only have a very small amount of painted models, I prefer painting more needed units first.

I painted it quite some time ago and I decided to make it very purple, other flyers are darker with less purple. Other flyers are also 3/4 painted, I just couln't stand the sight of unpainted flyers so I did most of the painting already, I just need to do some small highlights and I need to do all the black parts. Problem is: I have some many flyers to paint and they're far from being a priority, I mean who needs 6 ravens and 2 razorwings in a small army. I only have a very small amount of painted models, I prefer painting more needed units first.
Some random pictures of all my warriors. I'm sure sure on how many I have painted, I just know I can form 5 warrior squads or 4 full size raider sqauds. I have more assault weapons painted than I need and I barely use sybarite, even though I have about 6 painted.
It might give you some inspiration, most dark eldar players will notice all the conversions.
I spend a decent amount of time on the painting, but I don't go for any extremes, which is understandable when you know that I have around 500 warriors, obviously with a lot of sybarites and a lot of special weapons.

It might give you some inspiration, most dark eldar players will notice all the conversions.
I spend a decent amount of time on the painting, but I don't go for any extremes, which is understandable when you know that I have around 500 warriors, obviously with a lot of sybarites and a lot of special weapons.
Skimmers: raiders and ravager
Oh god, the first raider took forever to be painted, the second one didn't take as long, but it was still so long, the ravager was done in no time, even though gunners and pilot added some nice extra painting time.
Main problem I was facing during paint: what colors to use where?
Secondly I wasn't too sure about how I going to do the highlights and everything, so I had to make some tests...but I'm pretty happy with the results! More skimmers will be painted very soon!

Main problem I was facing during paint: what colors to use where?
Secondly I wasn't too sure about how I going to do the highlights and everything, so I had to make some tests...but I'm pretty happy with the results! More skimmers will be painted very soon!
Mandrakes and champion
The models don't look that great after so many years, but I still like them. Ofcourse I had to convert some to avoid boring repetitions. I saw some people converting mandrakes straith from warriors, I decided to do the same, but Kharandhil's style! Some cool poses, some greenstuff and the trick was done. I'll be making more mandrakes in the future from warriors and real mandrakes mixed, I might put some dark elf bitz in there as well but I don't like mixing dark elf and dark eldar too much.
Try to see which ones are converted :p
Painted Wych cult units
My first warp beasrt squad.
Warp beast were painted pretty fast. I just needed some more time on the small details, but the main purple body was done with drybrushing and inks.
Second warp beast squad: I hate having the same models all over again, so I had to convert these. Next warp beast sqaud will be made from other GW models and beast master from some dark elf model. I have many ideas, but not much time, money or will to put into making more warp beast squads, so extra squads will be for a later this year...

My lovely witch succubus, I only had one musician and she was the only unique witch I had so it was the best model to convert. I immediately saw how a hellion hellglaive could be put on her to represent a punisher.

My lovely converted witches, their hands are pretty small so only metal splinter rifles are small enough to not seem so freagin huge on them. I still have many converting ideas in my head, I'll buy some more dark Elf witches for sure!

My reavers...they took forever to paint. But I'm pretty happy with the result. At first I was planning on painting 12 reavers at once, but once I started I realised how much time they would take and I decided to stick witgh 6. 6 next reavers will be painted after I'm done with HQs ,raiders and ravagers.

Hellions, most Dark Eldar players stay away from these. They may buy them, but not use them... I'm closely the same, but as far as painting I wanted to paint them because of their weird armor and I only have 8 of them, so why not? I still want some more, at least 3 for sure: to have 3 deepstrike squad with blaster.
Hellion succubus, hellions are even more worthless without her, she's isn't worth a normal wych succubus, but she's far better than a sybarite!
Warp beast were painted pretty fast. I just needed some more time on the small details, but the main purple body was done with drybrushing and inks.
The first wych squad I painted. Currently I'm only painting female wyches, male wyches will be painted a lot later this year.
Lelith Hesperax
I ended up repainting this girl, she's lovely, probably one of our best looking Dark Eldar models.
My lovely converted witches, their hands are pretty small so only metal splinter rifles are small enough to not seem so freagin huge on them. I still have many converting ideas in my head, I'll buy some more dark Elf witches for sure!
My reavers...they took forever to paint. But I'm pretty happy with the result. At first I was planning on painting 12 reavers at once, but once I started I realised how much time they would take and I decided to stick witgh 6. 6 next reavers will be painted after I'm done with HQs ,raiders and ravagers.
Hellions, most Dark Eldar players stay away from these. They may buy them, but not use them... I'm closely the same, but as far as painting I wanted to paint them because of their weird armor and I only have 8 of them, so why not? I still want some more, at least 3 for sure: to have 3 deepstrike squad with blaster.
Still so much Wych Cult stuff to paint:
-34 reaver jetbikes
-40 wyches
-40 wyches
-2 wych lords
mercredi 19 août 2009
The wave serpent took so long to be produced by GW, I would have several if they had made it sooner before starting other new armies.
Eldar was my first army ever, soon after the new Dark Eldar were released, this explains how these 2 armies are my biggest.
My eldar army consists of mostly old minis, I have almost no new edition eldar units, except harlequins. I have eldar from various old editions, recently I bought some rogue trader and second edition eldar too.
I'm planning to increase the size of this army and add a lot of new fun stuff. I want try to own all different eldar units from all edition, both GW and forgeworlds. I'll be ordering some eldar flyers in a few months, maybe some other forgeworlds.
Painting of this army will be done soon after I'm done with Dark Eldar, obviously that will take some time...
Any future updates on this army will be shown on this blog for sure.
These are probably the best allies Dark ELdar could have.
They like to eat a lot,Tyranids!
I love this army, who could resist owning a whole bunch of insects? Most 40k fans love starship troopers, this is probably one of the main reasons why I even bother getting nids.

I never really liked all previous tyranid editions, it was only when the second hive tyrant came out that I really started loving them. The new carnifex also looked a lot like a huge insect, so I was pretty much sold!
A few days later I went to GW got the codex and lot of battleforces lol.
I got the horde to a respectable size, but somehow I end up spending money in other things and in other armies. This is a common downside of owning too many armies.
I didn't have anything painted untill about 4 years ago, when I decided to seriously starting painting this army. Playing battles with hordes of black gaunts was so much fun, I knew they would look a lot better painted. At first the carapace was kinda white, the painting technique was a lot less complicated, but after a few tryouts I went with a light blue carapace with a much more complicated painting technique, very similar to that shown in the new codex.
I used to have everything painting for about a year and a half, but while buying harlequins I have an unstopable mood to get myself some rogue trader tyranids lol. I ended up buying some soul hunters, some tyranid squigs, 1 zoat, 2 warriors. I still have to paint all these, but I doubt they would take more than a month to paint.
I used to have everything painting for about a year and a half, but while buying harlequins I have an unstopable mood to get myself some rogue trader tyranids lol. I ended up buying some soul hunters, some tyranid squigs, 1 zoat, 2 warriors. I still have to paint all these, but I doubt they would take more than a month to paint.
Question is, will I ever find a month to paint these? I'm so busy on Dark Eldar right now, I just can't stop painting them.
Tau empire
My tau, what can I say about my tau...
Well I started the army because of my love for xenos. I love most xenos, except orcs who are just ugly and dumb. I collect most xenos armies and if any new xenos race is created chances are pretty high that I'll start another army.
I was immediately sold on tau because of their battlesuits. I'm a fan of most gundam series and of anime so I couldn't resist. Background was also so interesting and well everything about them attrackted me. Their unique fish like look was so interesting, their armor and their weapons just made it easier to start this army.
I had at least 1 of each different Tau unit untill the new codex, once the new codex was out I went to GW to get me a pirahna and some vespids. I still want all other missing units and all forgeworld units that exist, but I don't have any time or money to spend in this army for now.
I do however buy without reason sometimes and I would mind getting at least 1 skyray, 1 sniper drone squad and 1 squad of new XV25 suits.
Who knows i'll be sure to post pictures if I get new tau units, but I have to admit this is one of my lowest priorities. Once other priorities are done I'll come back to this lovely army.
Another reason why I might come back to these guys: the army is fairly small (2500 pts), and a lot of units are already painted, so I could want to finish them in a crazy painting mood.
My necron army
I never bothered increasing it in size, but I did paint them. I wanted to start necrons ever since I first saw the new codex (which also was the first printed necron codex), so I bought the battleforce, 1 lord and the codex when I saw them for the first time. I plan on getting back to these guys, not sure when...
I'll probably end up buying and painting some necrons in a crazy shopping mood.
Once I have some more painted I'll post them right here!
Besides their cool background I had one main reason to start necrons: They're painted pretty fast and to make it even better: their armies are fairly small.
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- Kharandhil
- I'm the typical 40k guy who has several armies and can't stop buying more and more.